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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Library Guidelines and Procedures

Student Use of the Library


Return to the Contents of the Operational Guidelines and Procedures



  • Individuals who are currently enrolled as students in Collin College are entitled to library privileges.
  • Students must present a current Collin College Student ID card at the library Circulation Desk to be entered into the library system.



  • The student is responsible for returning materials on time and in good condition.
    • The student must pay overdue charges for materials not returned on time.
    • As a courtesy, the library will attempt to send overdue notices in a timely manner by contacting the patron through their Collin email address.
  • The student is responsible for reporting damaged or lost items at the Circulation Desk.
  • The student must pay the cost of the damaged or lost items.
    • The library cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
  • The student is responsible for notifying the Circulation Department of a lost or stolen library card.
  • The student is responsible for notifying the Circulation Department of a change in name, physical address, telephone number or alternate e-mail (optional).
  • Students are responsible for personal materials and equipment left unattended in the library.




Checkout Procedures

  • Students must present their Collin College Student ID/Library Card for all circulation transactions. A card belonging to someone other than the student using the card will not be accepted and may be reported to the Dean of Students.
  • Students with overdue items or outstanding fees/charges are denied permission to check out materials. In addition, outstanding fees or overdue materials prevent students from registering for classes and obtaining transcripts.
  • Periodicals and reference materials do not circulate and are to be used in the library.

Due dates exclude holidays and other days when Collin College campuses are closed. The library reserves the right to recall any materials.



Checkout Limits by Material Type Loan Period
Audio Books 5 3 weeks
Music CDs 5 3 weeks
Books 10 3 weeks
Blu-ray/DVD 3 7 days
7 days
Total items checked out: 15


Reserve Materials
All Reserve Materials must be returned to its issuing library Circulation Desk.
Material Type Loan Period


2 hour in-library use only (unless otherwise stated)

TI Graphing Calculators

  • 4 hour (on campus use only)
  • 14 day (outside library)


  • 4 hour on-campus use
  • 14 day off-campus use


  • 4 hour (in-library use only)
  • 14 day (outside library)
  • Semester (outside library)


  • 4 hour in-library use only
  • 14 day off-campus use
  • Current semester off-campus

Study Rooms

  • 2 hour @ All Libraries - Except Farmersville & Technical Campuses

Other Reserve Materials

2 hour in-library use only (unless otherwise stated)





Items may be renewed if the student has no outstanding fees, overdue materials or library account blocks. See details and restrictions below.

  • Two (2) renewals of Circulating Books and Music CDs are allowed per item by phone, online or in person. 
  • The following materials cannot be renewed by phone or online: Reserves, Study Rooms and Blu-Ray/DVD.
  • Overdue materials may be renewed in person after the overdue fees are paid and if others have not placed a hold request on the item. Items must be presented for renewal and for fee payment if overdue.


Hold Requests/Transfers 


Some circulating items may be placed on hold and transferred to another campus. Circulating materials may be returned at any campus.

  • Items are held for 3 days at the requested campus library.
  • The patron is notified by a courtesy e-mail and/or text message.
  • The libraries do not have a materials booking system and cannot guarantee the availability of materials for dates in the future.
  • The following materials cannot be placed on hold or transferred to another campus, due to the high demand and/or a short checkout period
    • Games-Kits
    • Makerspace Kits
    • Course Reserves 
      • Study Rooms
      • Laptops
      • TI Graphing Calculators
      • Textbooks





Overdue Charges

Fees accrue on an hourly or daily basis except for Collin College closure events. All fees are handled through the Circulation Department. Any unresolved fees or unreturned items block borrowing privileges and may result in a hold on college records. If there is a dispute regarding the charges assessed, the student may submit a “Library Charges Appeal” form, which will be considered by the Library Executive Directors. Overdue charges for materials are listed below. Note that the fee amount is for each overdue item.


*The maximum fee on Audio Books, Books, Music CDs, Blu-Ray/DVD and Software (non-reserve materials) is the replacement cost of the item. 


**The maximum overdue fee on reserve materials; including Calculators, Laptops, Equipment, Study Rooms Keys, Textbooks, Reserve Blu-ray/DVD, Reserve CDs and other reserve items range from $50 - $100 per item or the replacement cost of the item whichever is greater. 


Fee Amounts for each item
Circulating Materials Loan Period Overdue Fee

Audio Books, Books, and CDs

21 days ___


 7 days

7 days

Max Fee:$25.00
Makerspace Kits 7 days


Max Fee: $100.00

On-campus Equipment

4 hours $10.00/day
Max Fee: $100.00

Off-campus Equipment

14 days $10.00/day
Max Fee: $100.00

Textbooks/Course Reserves

2 hours $1.00/day
Max Fee: $100.00

Study Room Key Return

2 hours $5.00/hour
Max Fee: $100.00

Semester Equipment

End of Term $10.00/day
Max Fee: $100.00

Damaged Materials
A librarian will evaluate the damaged material for possible repair

  • If the material is damaged beyond repair, the student will be charged the replacement cost of the material.
    • The Library cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
    • Items judged damaged beyond repair will be given to the student if the replacement charges are paid at the time of return. If charges are not paid at the time of return, charges will be applied to the patron’s library account and the item will not be returned to the patron, but discarded.

If there is a dispute regarding the charges assessed, the student may submit a “Library Charges Appeal” form, which will be considered by the Library Executive Directors.


Lost Materials
When materials are lost, the student will be charged the replacement cost of the material.

  • The replacement cost for laptops is $1,800, and the replacement cost for TI graphing calculators is $150.
  • The Library cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
  • No refund is given after payment of a lost item is received, even if the patron later finds the item.

If there is a dispute regarding the charges assessed, the student may submit a “Library Charges Appeal” form, which will be considered by the Library Executive Directors.





The Library may accept cash or check payments (with proper identification) at the Circulation Desk.

  • A service charge will be added by the Bursar’s office on all returned checks.
  • Students can make credit/debit card payments at the Bursar’s office after making arrangements with the Library.


 The Library will not accept:

  • Two party checks
  • Temporary checks
  • Checks in the absence of a corresponding driver’s license.
    • The driver’s license number and license expiration date will be recorded on the check.
  • Out of state checks

 The student’s College-Wide Identification number (CWID) is required by the Bursar’s office on student checks.





Students have full access to Library computers during the semester in which they are enrolled. Library computers are accessed through the CougarWeb Logon ID and the last six-digits of their CWID number. Library computers automatically log off after two hours, but students are eligible to log back on if no other students are waiting. When the computer logs a user off, it erases all work on the hard drive of the computer. All work should be saved to a USB thumb drive instead of the computer hard drive.


Students are given a print allowance of $30 (approximately 300 b/w sheets) per semester. The $30 print allowance is in the form of a debit account available through the Pharos Print Management system and can only be used for printing in the Computer Labs. Black and white prints are charged $0.10 per page and color prints are charged $0.25 per page.


After the $30 credit is used, students can add funds for printing using the GET Mobile app [App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android)]. If a student is unable to use the GET app, funds can be added at the Student Financial Services offices (Cashier/Bursar) during their business hours.

  • Students are encouraged to only add funds that will be used immediately.
  • No refund is given for the unexpended portion of a student’s print allowance or GET account funds.
  • Allowances and GET account funds do not carry over to subsequent semesters. All remaining funds in print allowances and GET accounts are removed at the end of each semester. 
  • Enrolled students begin each semester with a $30 print allowance and $0 in GET account funds..


For further information see Computer and Internet Use.





Collin College Faculty may place course materials (books, documents, videos, etc.) on reserve, locally at each Library Circulation Desk for student use. Other library reserve materials and reserve equipment are owned by the library and placed on reserve for student use. They include but are not limited to laptops, calculators, cd players and study rooms. All course reserve materials are for in-library use unless otherwise stated.


Course Reserve material must be returned to their issuing library Circulation Desk. Overdue reserve materials accrue fees ranging from a $1 per hour per item to $10 per day per item. With up to a maximum fee of $100 or the cost of the material whichever is greater. (For further details, see Library Fees).



LIBRARY RESERVE EQUIPMENT USE (can only be returned to its issuing library)


All laptops are designated for current Collin College student use only. Laptops can check out for 4 hours for in-library use only. Limited quantities may be available for 14-day overnight checkout.

  • Only one laptop may be checked out per library card.
    • Laptops can only be returned to their issuing library.
  • Overdue equipment may be reported to the Dean of Students and disciplinary action may follow.
  • An overdue fee of $10 per day is charged for all 4-hour laptops.
  • An overdue fee of $10 per day is charged for all 14-day laptops.
  • An overdue fee of $10 per day is charged for all semester laptops


Laptops returned late can total up to $100 in overdue charges or the cost of the item for replacement.


All calculators are designated for current Collin College student use only. TI calculators can check out for 4 hours for on-campus use and 14-days for off-campus use.

  • Only one calculator may be checked out per library card.
    • Calculators can only be returned to their issuing library.
  • Overdue equipment may be reported to the Dean of Students and disciplinary action may follow.
  • An overdue fee of $10 per day is charged for all 4-hour calculators.
  • An overdue fee of $10 per day is charged for all 14-day calculators.
  • An overdue fee of $!0 per day is charged for all semester calculators.


Calculators returned late can total up to $100 in overdue charges or the cost of the item for replacement.


(For further details, see Library Fees).


Study Rooms
Some campus libraries offer study rooms on a first-come, first-served basis with no advance reservations. Study rooms are available for quiet academic study and/or work on collaborative academic projects. Collin College policies related to food, drink, cell phones, disruptive behavior and unattended children, as outlined in Section 6.17 of the Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct apply to all study rooms.


Study rooms are available for individuals and groups. Collin College students who are enrolled during the current semester may check out study rooms at the Circulation Desk at the Celina, Frisco, McKinney, Plano, and Wylie Campus Libraries with their student ID cards (overdue charges may apply). Renewals are permitted though limitations may be imposed during peak usage. Students must remain in the room during their checkout period. No food or open drink containers are allowed.


(For further details, see Library Fees).
See Study Rooms for separate Library location details.




Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to all currently enrolled Collin College students who have a Collin College library card and account that is in good standing.


Any material not owned by the library may be requested for Interlibrary Loan through a Reference Librarian or online. The supplying library determines whether the material can be provided.


Students may request one renewal on a borrowed ILL material.

  • Renewal requests for ILL materials must be made online, at the Circulation Desk or by phone at least 2 days before the material is due. The decision to renew rests with the lending library.
  • Obtaining interlibrary loan requests typically takes 7-14 days but may take longer.
    • Only 5 requests can be processed per day per student.
  • Requests for renewals will not be made for overdue materials.
  • The student is responsible for all charges imposed by the supplying library, including fees.
  • ILL material must be returned to the Circulation Desk on time and in good condition.




All currently enrolled Collin College students are eligible for the issuance of a TexShare card. This card allows students to borrow materials from participating libraries. Each lending library has rules and limitations regarding the use of the TexShare card.

  • The student borrower is responsible for all materials and fees when using the TexShare card.
  • The TexShare card is issued for the current semester only.



  • Patron must return to the Circulation or Reference Desk if the alarm sounds.
    • Patron will remain at the Circulation or Reference Desk until the cause of the alarm is determined and resolved.



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